According to, a person is injured every two minutes in this country due to drunk driving related accidents. While there is no denying that driving under the influence is dangerous, what happens when a person is wrongly accused of this offense? Each year, thousands of people refuse a police officer’s request for a breathalyzer or field sobriety tests. In some instances, this denial is due to the fact that a person does not want to incriminate themselves. If you have been charged with a DUI, then your first call needs to be to an experienced lawyer. The courts giving you a DUI conviction can result in a number of negative consequences.
Your License Could Be Suspended
One of the most common things that can happen after being convicted of a DUI is the suspension of your license. While this may not sound like a big deal, it definitely is. Without a license, you will be unable to get back and forth to work without help from others. In some instances, you will have to resort to using public transportation to get from point A to point B. Instead of having to deal with this stress, you will need to find a lawyer to help you beat the charges against you.
You May Be Fired From Your Job
There are some companies out there that have a mandatory firing policy on the books in relation to DUI conviction. If you are convicted of a DUI, you could be in jeopardy of losing your job, which will make it very hard to support yourself and your family. Companies who have this type of policy in place will require an employee to notify them of a DUI arrest immediately.
Losing Your Insurance
Having car insurance is a must. For those convicted of a DUI, keeping car insurance will be nearly impossible. Due to the suspension of your license, your insurance company will not be able to offer you a policy. Even if your place of employment does not have a firing policy in place for a DUI, they may have to let you go due to the fact that they cannot insure you. Their inability to insure you will prohibit you from operating any of the equipment or vehicles they have.
Having to Miss Work
Due to the endless court dates and mandatory alcohol treatments you will have to undergo after a DUI conviction, you will have to miss work. This means you will be losing money and may end up souring the relationship you have with your employer. If you have been charged with a DUI, you will need to seek out some legal help immediately.
Allow Us to Help You With a DUI Conviction!
Call The Hansen Law Firm today at 305-666-1603 today! We have helped countless individuals beat their DUI conviction. We will be able to let you know how we can help and give you a breakdown your rights.